Handcrafted on Maui with our standard of excellence. Enjoy.
Get ready for the best crispy, buttery, chocolate chip kuki you’ll ever have.

Aloha my name is Micah Alo together with my brother Chandler. We have taken our mother’s cookie recipe and turned it into a family-run Christian business here on the island of Maui where each one of our crispy-buttery kukis is handcrafted with our standard of excellence .
The meaning behind our name can be broken down into two parts: our last name, which happens to be Alo, and the Hawaiian word ha. The word ha —actually spelled hā —means breath or life.
It is our goal here at Alo[ha] Kuki to not only sell kukis but to bless other people along the way with life and love. Be sure to check out some of the non-profits and groups we support! Thank you and God bless!